This Act applies in relation to employment in the service of the. (i). The Labour Relations and Industrial Disputes Act and the Labour.Relations and Industrial Disputes Regulations, 1975, set out the conditions and. The Labour Relations Code 1976 set outs guidelines for the promotion of good labour relations. Learn about local employment, payroll, and tax details for Jamaica to make sure you're locally compliant. The Labour Relations and Industrial Disputes Act, Operational Date: March 22, 2010, Number: of 2010, Last Amendment: November 25, 2014. Labor Laws and Regulations: The primary legislation governing employment in Jamaica is the Labour Relations and Industrial Disputes Act. The code applies to all employers and all workers and organizations representing workers in determining their conduct one with the other. 1975, the provisions centered mainly around the setting up of an industrial. You will need to sign an employment contract with employees in Jamaica.