Businesses don't have to offer a unpaid break. They do have to offer 15 minute paid breaks for every so many hours.South Carolina labor laws cover various aspects of employment including minimum wage, overtime, meal and rest breaks, discrimination and more. A. A minor aged 14 or 15 years old can work up to 40 hours a week during Spring, Winter, and Summer Break. In South Carolina, no law gives employees the right to time off to eat lunch (or another meal) or the right to take short breaks during the work day. Unlike some states in the US, South Carolina does not require employers to provide meal breaks and rest breaks. South Carolina labor laws do not require employers to provide meal breaks for employees. South Carolina break laws​​ No state or federal laws require South Carolina employers to provide meal breaks or rest periods during working hours. Short rest breaks, which usually 20 minutes or less, must be paid as work time. Federal law does not require employers to provide meal periods or breaks, but if they choose to do so, breaks lasting less than 20 minutes must be paid.