Generally no employment is authorized for minors under the age of 14, as interpreted under South Carolina Child Labor Statute 41-13-20. How To File a Child Labor Complaint: File electronically here or complete the Child Labor Complaint Form to file complaint against an employer.They may work between the hours of 7 a.m. However, employers of minors under age 18 must obtain and keep on file proof of the minor's age. In South Carolina, the law sets a clear boundary: generally, no employment is authorized for minors under the age of 14. Between June 1 and Labor day, Minors ages 14-15 may not work before 7am or after 9pm, and may work for 8 hours per day, but not more than 40 hours per week. During vacations, minors can work up to 8 hours per day and 40 hours per week, but work hours must be between 7 a.m. The South Carolina Illegal Immigration Reform Act requires all employers to verify the legal status of new employees. South Carolina is one of the only states that do not have a minimum wage law. Restrictions: Minors between the ages of 14 to 15 may not work during school hours, before a.m.