The law does not require an employee to submit any formal requests or documentation supporting their request for reproductive loss leave. The California Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA) prohibits discrimination and harassment based on pregnancy.Pregnant workers should be aware that there are a number of federal and California state laws that protect the employment rights of pregnant employees. To request additional unpaid parental leave, please fill out the "Employee Request for Unpaid Leave" form and submit it to HR. 13. Find the best employment attorney serving Contra Costa County. Pregnancy Discrimination and Pregnancy Disability Leave. PCG serves all of Contra Costa County. (CFRA) or the California Pregnancy Disability Act (PDL). California Pregnancy Disability Leave Law (PDL): All pregnant women in the state are guaranteed up to four months of job-protected disability leave from work. FOR CLERICAUMAINTENANCE EMPLOYEES ONLY - Have you or will you be fiHoii a State Disability Insurance