A: The at-will employment law of California allows an employer to fire an employee with or without cause and with or without notice for any lawful reason. The mission of the California Labor Commissioner's Office is to ensure a just day's pay in every workplace in the State and to promote economic justice.Certification of names, number and order of names to be certified from open, promotional, reemployment, layoff and management employment lists. Your public employer must notify you, in writing, that it intends to terminate your employment or take other serious disciplinary action against you. Facing employment issues in Contra Costa? Bibiyan Law Group, P.C is here to defend your rights. A TRO can be issued to provide protection to the employee until the hearing is held. Additionally, if your employer gives you insufficient notice of no work, you are entitled to half-pay for the canceled shift. Contra Costa County is recruiting to fill multiple Social Service Program Assistant (SSPA) vacancies in the Employment and Human Services Department (EHSD). Notice of Intent to Bid (PDF).