Any other documentation requested in the job announcement such as permit, license, or certificate. There is no license required to offer handyman services in CA. However, there are some limitations on what you can do without a contractor's license.California is one of four states which permit aspiring lawyers to take the bar exam without attending law school and obtain their license to practice law. Submit this business license application form together with full payment and a signed Notice of Compliance to the above address. The Contra Costa County Health Services Department is recruiting individuals to fill Nurse Practitioner vacancies. Per Business and Professions. Contra Costa Health supports businesses of all industries with the permits, regulations and processes they need to follow. Click here to apply for an initial CCW permit, renew a CCW permit, modify an existing permit, or to obtain a duplicate of an existing permit. A well driller must possess a current C-57 (well drilling) license and be approved to work in Contra Costa County. To apply for a business license: Obtain the necessary use permit.