The NYCHRL prohibits unlawful discrimination in employment, public accommodations, and housing on the basis of actual or perceived pregnancy. Employers are prohibited from asking for proof of pregnancy.Purpose: Use this law to get extra rest or bathroom breaks, permission to eat or drink at your workstation, a larger uniform, changed work. You must provide employees who take leave due to a pregnancy or a pregnancy-related condition the right to return. "An employee may use Paid Prenatal Leave on more than one pregnancy per year, but only 20 hours are available in a 52week period. Under the Act, a pregnant employee is entitled to the same accommodations and benefits as non-pregnant employees who are temporarily disabled. New York State law gives you an explicit right to reasonable pregnancy accommodations at work so you can keep earning a paycheck when you need it most. New York is the first state in the United States to require employers to pay for prenatal personal care for their employees. The PDA covers the same employers and employees as Title VII of the Civil Rights Act. Pregnancy Discrimination Act (PDA): Federal law that protects pregnant workers from discrimination.