This guide will help you understand the key aspects of California labor law when applied to salaried employees. Domestic workers are entitled to the minimum wage, with the exception of babysitters under the age of 18 and the employer's parent, spouse, or child.California's restaurant 1.5x overtime pay regulation kicks in if employees work more than 40 hours per week or if they work more than eight hours in one day. The right to be paid the minimum wage and accept gratuities (tips). Note that a non-exempt worker in California would have to be paid overtime pay for any hours exceeding 8 in a day and 40 in a week. There are exceptions to this rule that list employees as Salaried Non-Exempt. Salary, and thus, must be paid in accordance with Labor Code §§ 201 and 202 when an employee is terminated or voluntarily quits his or her employment. Just moved to California from the East Coast. I'm struggling with some of California's employment laws. Both California and federal law require that employees be paid overtime when they work hours beyond their regular schedules.