Find the best employment attorney serving Cuyahoga County. Compare the best Labor Law lawyers near Cuyahoga Falls, OH today.Use our free directory to instantly connect with verified Labor Law attorneys. Use FindLaw to hire a local labor lawyer to help with a wage violation, discrimination claim, work stoppage, or other unfair labor practices. If you suspect that your employer has violated Ohio labor laws, it may be time to consult with an Ohio labor law violations lawyer. S. David Worhatch dedicates his practice near Akron to helping residents across Ohio in executive compensation negotiation, employee rights cases, and more. Find the best employment attorney serving Cuyahoga Falls. Russell D. Cawyer is a partner and chairs the firm's Labor and Employment practice. He received his JD, cum laude, from Texas Tech University School of Law. General Counsel at Cuyahoga County Board of Developmental Disabilities.