Ohio's minimum wage, minor labor, and prevailing wage laws establish a safe, equitable playing field for all Ohioans to participate in the workforce. Ohio's minor labor laws are established in Chapter 4109 of the Ohio Revised Code.For verbal employment verifications, call (216) 443-7190. • Employee must miss more than seven (7) calendar days of work;. • Employee must fill out a county accident report in accordance with Section 12.02 of this. A Cleveland, Ohio-based Law Firm engaging labor and employment law, contract law, real estate law, construction law, and commercial litigation. An employee may request a compressed work week schedule in accordance with the Cuyahoga County Department of Human Resources Employee Handbook. Find the best employment attorney serving Cuyahoga Falls. An employee may request a compressed work week schedule in accordance with the Cuyahoga County Department of Human Resources Employee Handbook. 1 day's vacation (8 hours) for each full month of employment of the previous calendar year up to a maximum of two calendar weeks (80 hours).