State law requires that children be in a child safety seat or otherwise properly restrained while riding in a motor vehicle. 4 to 8year old who weigh 40 pounds or more and are shorter than 4 feet 9 inches are required to be in a booster seat or other approved safety seat.Ohio law requires that children ride in a car seat or booster until the child is 8 years old or 4' (feet) 9" (inches) or 145 cm (centimeters) tall. Ohio state law requires that children be secured in a safety seat, booster seat, or appropriatelyfitting seat belt when riding in a motor vehicle. Ohio law requires all children under 4 years old or weighing under 40 pounds to ride in a properly secured car seat that meets safety standards. Ohio law requires all children up to 8 years old, unless they are 4'9" tall, to be restrained in a booster seat once they outgrow their child safety seat. The State of Ohio Workers' Compensation Laws cover County employees. Cleveland is a city in the U.S. state of Ohio and the county seat of Cuyahoga County. Voters in Cuyahoga County will pick six Common Pleas court judges. Those judges handle felony criminal cases and civil disputes.