Blady Workforce handles employee law, employment law, labor law, denial of medical leave, wrongful termination, and serious personal injury. Find the best employment attorney serving Fairfax.To consult with our Los Angeles employment lawyers, please contact Blady Workforce's LOS ANGELES office at (323) 933-1352. Call us today at (310) 575-2550 or fill out the online contact form for a prompt response. Our Los Angeles employment law attorneys have over a decade of experience helping protect employee rights in California. Get legal help from the trustworthy employment attorneys at Kingsley Szamet. Contact our Los Angeles employment law firm today for a Free Consultation. Clark Employment Law is One of The Best Employment Law Firms in Los Angeles, CA That Exclusively Represents Employees in Employment Law Cases. The Law Offices of Victor Manrique represents clients in employment law and professional licensing cases in Southern California. Are your rights as an employee are being violated?