All 14 and 15 year old workers in Virginia are required to obtain an Employment Certificate (Work Permit) prior to performing any work. Fairfax County operates under a merit system, which means that applicants are selected for jobs on the basis of their education, experience and skills.Fairfax County, Virginia - Programs designed to help young adults access employment and training opportunities. Minors under 16 may work 8-40 during non-school day or week. 8-30-6 during schoolyear. Youth under the age of 16 must obtain a work permit, also known in Virginia as a Youth Employment Certificate, prior to doing so. Summary of New York State Child Labor Law,. Locate DOD SkillBridge Industry Partners participating in the United States. Fairfax County, officially the County of Fairfax, is a county in the Commonwealth of Virginia. The Division of Labor Standards enforces the statutes that govern the maximum and prohibited hours of work as well as the type of work permitted for minors.