Although breaks are not required, employers must pay employees for time they spend working and for shorter breaks during the day. In accordance with this break policy, employers may choose to automatically deduct a 30 minute break from the employee's daily hours.For employees over 16, breaks are not required, but if provided, breaks of 20 minutes or less must be compensated. How to Obtain a Work Permit. Teenagers can get the forms they need from their local school. During the first 10 continuous years employment, 12-month employees may accumulate up to a maximum of 30 days of annual leave. VA doesn't have a law for mandated breaks. Best bet is to find another job. Unpaid Wages Attorneys Fairfax, VA. Most adults in the United States spend the majority of their time at work. Although most employers voluntarily provide their fulltime employees meal breaks and rest periods, neither Virginia nor federal law requires them.