Florida is an "at-will" employment state, meaning that either you or your employer can terminate your employment at any time and without any advance warning. This state-specific guide covers labor and employment case law, statutes, rules, and regulations that HR professionals and clients often encounterThis Florida employment law overview reviews requirements employers should know if they have employees working in the state. State Labor Laws: Minimum Paid Rest Periods, Minimum Meal Periods, Prevailing Wages, Payday Requirements. Florida's minimum wage laws are currently being updated. An independent contractor, as defined in federal laws or regulations, hired to perform a specified portion of labor or services is not an employee. Florida is a 'righttowork' state. In most cases (so long as an exception does not apply), employers must pay their employees an hourly wage that is at least equal to the state minimum wage. The exception is for employees under 18, who are entitled to a 30minute break if they work more than 4 continuous hours. Employers conducting work in the State of Florida are required to provide workers' compensation insurance for their employees.