Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) ; Eligibility. The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) provides certain employees with up to 12 weeks of unpaid, job-protected leave per year.After completing Part A, complete Part B to provide information about the amount of leave needed. FMLA requires one year of service. Paternity and paid maternity leave is available to office employees after 30 days. The maximum length of Family and Medical Leave is 12 work weeks (60 work days if the employee normally works a 5 - day per week schedule) in a 12 month period. Very good, 3 months bonding for female employees. Helpful. Report. Am I required to continue paying salary when employees are on FMLA leave? FMLA Physician's Form (Department of Labor) – Physician will need to complete. -. All eligible full-time employees will be granted up to eight (8) weeks (320 hours) of paid parental leave within a 12-month period.