If you are aged 14-17 you will need an employment certificate, also called working papers, in order to hold a job in New York State. This pamphlet is intended to provide Employers and Employees with general information about their employment rights and responsibilities in New York State.The Department of Consumer and Worker Protection (DCWP) created this overview of important City, State, and federal laws so you know your rights at work. You are exempt from New York's CLE requirement if, during your biennial reporting cycle, you do not practice law in New York. Every person or business subject to licensure under this chapter shall be assessed and required to pay annually a license tax at a rate set forth below. It banned oppressive child labor and set the minimum hourly wage at 25 cents, and the maximum workweek at 44 hours. The Public Employee Safety and Health Bureau enforces occupational safety and health standards. A construction permit is required for everything that is not considered an ordinary repair or maintenance. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania currently has no licensure or certification requirements for most construction contractors (or their employees). This section highlights important NYC labor laws.