To provide a uniform and transparent system of personnel administration throughout the County organization. This pamphlet is intended to provide Employers and Employees with general information about their employment rights and responsibilities in New York State.Following is a quick list of our top recommendations to close out 2018 and start 2019 on the right foot. Check Company Agreements. Federal and state law requires employers to provide information about all new or rehired workers to the Employer New Hire Reporting Operations. Fulton County will not continue to employ individuals whose temporary work authorization has expired. Find the best employment attorney serving Fulton County. Resumes may be submitted in addition to completing the application. And if the answer is strict scrutiny, would preSmith cases rejecting free exercise challenges to gardenvariety laws come out the same way? The mission of the Fulton County Probate Court is to work in the best interests of Fulton's families and futures.