Employers in NYS must provide certain employees with at least 24 consecutive hours of rest in any calendar week. Non-Factory Workers are entitled to a 30-minute lunch break between a.m. and.Employee meal breaks are required to be at least 30 minutes if an employee works six hours anywhere throughout New York state. Employees are entitled to an additional 20-minute break between 5 p.m. New York law does not require employers to give employees a rest break. An employer does not have to compensate an employee for meal periods of 30 minutes or longer, as long as the employee is not required to work during the break. To provide a uniform and transparent system of personnel administration throughout the County organization. Numerous federal requirements govern drugfree workplace policies. January 10, 2025 (Friday) Today the Department of Labor released the final jobs report of Joe Biden's presidency. The Post Office has exclusive access to letter boxes marked "U.