The Division of Labor Standards enforces the maximum and prohibited working hours as well as type of work permitted for minors. Information for youth ages 14-17 for working papers, safety and health on the job, and filling out job applications.You obtain your working permit from your school and then your parents must sign it. 16 and 17: May work the same hours as those who are 18 years old. No federal laws restrict how many hours 16- to 18-year-olds can work. However, most states have their own laws regarding the number of hours a child can work. Time Employment Certificate (AT20, salmon paper) is issued to a minor. In the US yes there are restrictions, but it's mainly for employers. You however will need to have a work permit that a high school normally issues. Under the FLSA, 16 and 17yearolds may be employed for unlimited hours in any nonagricultural, nonhazardous position.