Non-Factory Workers are entitled to a 30-minute lunch break between a.m. and. Employers in NYS must provide certain employees with at least 24 consecutive hours of rest in any calendar week.Federal law does not require lunch or coffee breaks. If you employ minors between the ages of 14 and 17, this section contains required documents, posters, breaks, and work hour limitations. Employment law and labor regulations mainly cover the rights and the obligations between an employer and an employee. State law requires a paid 10 minute break every 4 hours of work and an unpaid 30 minute meal break every 5 hours of work. There is, however, no legal requirement to provide a workday meal break in Florida, except for employees age 17 or younger. For the second time this winter there is a vacancy on the Pullman Regional Hospital board. LMPD Chief Paul Humphrey says an "error" was made in the issuing of an unlawful camping citation to a pregnant woman in labor in 2024.