My employer fired me for an unfair reason, or for no reason at all. Call Consumer Protection Services at (813) 6358316 or fill out our online complaint form.The employee's name shall be removed from the preferential list because of acceptance of a County offer of reemployment. Any attempt to so assign or so transfer without such consent shall be void and without legal effect and shall constitute grounds for termination. According to Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, it is illegal to fire an employee because of their race, color, religion, sex or national origin. These are the forms that Clerk's office provides for the sealing and expungement of court records. All newly-hired employees shall be subject to a three (3) month probationary period. This pamphlet is intended to provide Employers and Employees with general information about their employment rights and responsibilities in New York State. N.Y. Labor Law, § 195(6) requires employers to provide written notice to discharged employees, stating the effective date of termination. Employee's termination of employment or reduction of hours of employment. c.