Read on to learn about required and optional Texas employee handbook policies, then find out how we take the tedious work out of compliance. Find information about laws that protect workers.Learn how to claim unpaid wages or file a complaint for employment or housing discrimination. All employees hired to fill a Regular position are considered Probationary employees for the first 90 days (or longer when required for State of Federal. This employee guide is designed to acquaint you with the City of Houston's policies and procedures and to provide you with information about our benefits. Must be filled out. 64. Questions? We've helped many employers draft employee handbooks that are industry-specific, tailored, and help prevent issues you may face in the future. If you are in the process of modifying or creating a new Employee Handbook, please call us at (888) 368-2483 for a free no-obligation consultation. In your workplace, you have a right to fair and just treatment from your employer. Texas Onboarding Requirements.