Can an employer terminate me without advance notice or without giving a reason or an unfair reason for the termination? You can file a claim about your final paycheck under the Illinois Wage Payment and Collection Act with the Illinois Department of Labor.For more information or to file a complaint about an employer's practices, please call the Workplace Rights Hotline at 1-844-740-5076 or use the complaint form. Either the employee or the employer has the option to terminate the employment relationship at any time they choose. So you can terminate a person's employment for any or no reason, so long as you give fourteen (14) days written notice to that person. In Illinois we have illegal termination, not wrongful termination. I got fired, how can I find out why? Employers cannot terminate employees for taking FMLA leave, nor can they retaliate against employees for exercising their rights under the Act. In Illinois, the baseline legal presumption is that an employee serves his or her employer at the employer's "will.