Provides employees with 24 consecutive hours of rest within every seven (7) consecutive day period. • Employers may obtain permits from the Department.One Day Rest In Seven Act (ODRISA) requires employers to provide employees a minimum of 24 hours of rest within every consecutive 7-day period. • Employers may obtain permits from. The Fair Workweek Ordinance requires certain employers to provide workers with predictable work schedules and compensation for changes. An employee who is to work seven and one-half continuous hours or more must be provided a 20-minute meal period. I suggest you contact the Illinois Dept of Labor and ask if state labor law says you must have an 8 hr break before coming back in to work. The meal period should be provided within five hours of the employee beginning work. Breastfeeding breaks. The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) does not define full-time employment or part-time employment.