The King's Speech confirmed Labour's intention to make parental leave, sick pay and protection from unfair dismissal available from day one of employment. This briefing takes a highlevel look at the employment law r in the Plan to Make Work Pay paper and manifesto commitments.With the King's Speech on 17 July 2024 where the new Labour Government set out what is new in employment law. We summarise what is new here. The King's speech made clear that the Government is "committed to making work pay" and will "ban exploitative practices" and "enhance employment rights". Atwill employment means that your employer does not need "cause" to fire you. That means they do not need to show you engaged in any serious misconduct. What does the King's Speech tell us about Labour's plans for employment law? The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) is a US law to protect workers against certain unfair pay practices. Providing clear, accurate guidance that is up to date with current law is part of the Commission's regulatory reform agenda.