An employer who requires or permits an employee to work overtime is generally required to pay the employee premium pay for such overtime work. Unfortunately, federal law does not require companies to give employees overtime for working on holidays.In fact, holidays are paid as normal workdays. President Biden is extending overtime protections to workers who make less than the median individual salary, and is vowing to take more action if reelected. Overtime pay lawyers filing overtime wage claims against Burger King for workers not getting paid for overtime. Burger King Restaurant overtime pay information, news, and how to file a lawsuit. Call (855) 754-2795 to speak with an overtime pay lawyer. The employee must have a regular rate of pay that exceeds one and one-half times the minimum wage for every overtime hour worked in a work week. After all, everyone else in the country gets the day off. There is a six (6) year statute of limitations on complaints for unpaid minimum wage, overtime and all other complaints.