Health Care Worker Minimum Wage FAQs Posted​​ Certain health care workers must be paid a higher minimum wage. The law went into effect October 16, 2024.The Act respecting labour standards sets out the minimum standards for conditions of employment in. Québec. Employment laws applicable to a business operating in Quebec are the same, whether the company is Canadian or foreign. As a temporary foreign worker, you have the same labour rights and obligations as all workers in Québec. The Temporary Foreign Worker Program (TFWP) allows Canadian employers to hire foreign workers to fill temporary jobs when qualified Canadians are not available. The Labour Standards Act sets out the minimum working conditions in. Québec. Employers can submit unnamed LMIA applications for positions in Quebec (with some exceptions). Consulate General of Canada to the United States, in Los Angeles. We provide services to Canadians visiting and living in the United States.