It's a crime to practice law or hold yourself out as a lawyer without a license from the state bar. If someone gives legal advice without a license, that's called the unauthorized practice of law (UPL.) In California, only attorneys can give legal advice.The Department of Labor does not administer State laws. Explore California remote employee laws, including wage compliance, reimbursements, workplace safety, and legal tips for employers and employees. Failure to obtain a Business License is a violation of Title 7 of the County of Los Angeles (County) Code and a misdemeanor. I got confirm that I did not have Kaiser. Even if an exemption from the license tax is granted, a business license is still required as well as payment of any associated fees and assessments. However, an employer can create an initial form and tailor it for each job. California Department of Public Health. When a translation is complete, you assume the risk of any inaccuracies, errors or other problems encountered.