The Employer-Employee Relationship and Employment Contracts: From Arizona Employment Law Handbook, Vol. This Employee Handbook applies to all State of Arizona employees in the State Personnel.The Arizona employment laws can be found in Title 23 of the Arizona Revised Statutes Annotated. This Employee Policy Handbook ("Handbook") is designed to familiarize employees with the State. This Staff Policy Manual ("SPM") contains employee policies ("policies") of the Maricopa. Labor and Employment Law Handbook is a convenient, two-volume guide to federal and state laws pertaining to labor relations. We hope that you find this Handbook helpful, and that it provides some aid in protecting your rights behind bars. Fund expenditures are de- tailed here, similar to the information presented in the Operating Budgets section. Special Revenue Funds. 283. This annual Appropriations Report provides detailed information on FY 2012 appropriations, as provided in the General.