Youths under the age of sixteen (16) can not be employed in solicitation sales or door-to-door solicitation after p. Minors ages 16 and 17 may not engage in any occupation deemed hazardous, as defined under the 17 Hazardous Occupations Orders of the Fair Labor Standards Act.Work certificates are not required for 16 and 17yearolds. 16 and 17 year olds that are enrolled in school may not work more than 6 consecutive days or 30 hours per week during the school calendar week. The Federal Child Labor Law prohibits 16 and 17 year olds from driving on the job. Contact the Federal Wage and Hour Division for more information. 16 and 17: Can work up to 8 hours on school days, 9 hours on nonschool days, and 30 hours per school week. Ages 16 and 17: There are no hourly restrictions for this age group. Under federal law, the minimum working age is 14with exceptions for specific agricultural and nonagricultural jobs. Brems went back to school when she was 26 and found that she really loves being a student and learning.