Not all states have "right to work" laws. Learn what these laws mean, how they impact unions, and whether your state has a 'right to work' law at FindLaw.Want to understand right-to-work laws better? Learn everything you need to know about 2024 right-to-work states in our guide. These laws are known as "righttowork laws," since they typically protect the right of a nonunion member to work for an employer without paying agency fees. Righttowork laws protect an employee's right to choose whether to participate in a labor union. Illinois became the fourth state in the country to protect collective bargaining in its constitution. While Maryland has no explicit right-to-work law on the books, Section 4-304 of the state's Labor and Employment Code prohibits any promise. As of April 2019, Illinois is not a righttowork state. The Illinois Legislature has been busy this 2024 session, passing more than 10 new employment laws or amendments to existing employment laws in May 2024.