Not all states have "right to work" laws. Learn what these laws mean, how they impact unions, and whether your state has a 'right to work' law at FindLaw.According to the Illinois Public Labor Relations Act, public employees have the right to form or join labor unions or refrain from doing so. Illinois RighttoWork Law. Illinois does not have a right-to-work law. As of April 2019, Illinois is not a righttowork state. Currently, 27 states in the US have right to work laws in place, while 23 do not. The Illinois Legislature has been busy this 2024 session, passing more than 10 new employment laws or amendments to existing employment laws in May 2024. A righttowork state is a state in the US where laws have been enacted to ensure that employees are not required to join a labor union or pay union dues. This publication provides a general overview of worker rights under the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSH Act).