Maryland Equal Pay for Equal Work Labor and Employment Article Title 3, Subtitle 3 Annotated Code of Maryland Equal Pay for Equal Work The law applies to a posting for any position where work will be physically performed, at least in part, in the State of Maryland.The Equal Pay Act in Maryland is formally entitled the Equal Pay for Equal Work Act. The Act prohibits pay discrimination between genders in similar jobs. An employer may not discriminate between employees in any occupation by: (i) paying a wage to employees at a rate less than the rate paid to other employees. The law, Equal Pay for Equal Work Wage Range Transparency, will go into effect on October 1, 2024. Our trusted employment lawyers fight for equal compensation for all Maryland employees, regardless of race, age, or gender. Maryland's recently enacted Wage Range Transparency Act amends the state's Equal Pay for Equal Work law. When should I be paid? Why does my employer take money out of my paycheck?