An employee who wishes to resign in good standing shall give the appointing authority, in writing, at least 2 weeks notice of resignation. A voluntary quit due to the employer's disciplinary methods constitutes neither good cause nor valid circumstances if the discipline is reasonable.(A) This policy applies to: (i) employees who are paid through the Central Payroll Bureau of the Comptroller; and. In Maryland, employers are generally allowed to fire employees for any lawful reason, given the state's adherence to the "at-will" employment doctrine. The Equal Pay for Equal Work law in the state prohibits employers from compensating people differently based on their sex or gender identity. Is it legal for a company to discharge a person immediately after receiving two weeks notice of resignation? No, Maryland wage and employment laws don't apply to independent contractors, also known as freelancers or selfemployed workers. Generally, unreasonable wage deductions that are imposed without the employee's prior consent or knowledge constitute good cause for resigning. The vast majority of employment relationships in Maryland and D.C. are what the law refers to as "at-will. Code §§ 3-501et seq.