In most circumstances, if you are fired you should be paid in full on your last day. Massachusetts law requires that employees be paid their owed wages at the time of termination if termination is involuntary.DLR agents are available once a week on Thursday afternoon from to p.m. Massachusetts operates under at-will employment, meaning employees can be terminated with or without cause, unless there's an employment contract in place. A structured guide to employee termination law in Massachusetts. Under Massachusetts law, terminated employees must be paid immediately. Section 185: Retaliation against employees reporting violations of law or risks to public health, safety or environment; remedies. As wrongful termination lawyers, we represent and hold accountable employers when they break the law, and seek full compensation for our clients. Under both Massachusetts and federal law, employees must be at least 40 years old to bring a claim for age discrimination. Section 7 of the National Labor Relations Act provides clear legal protections for employees attempting to organize.