State law also requires employers to have Youth Employment Permits (work permits) on file for all workers under 18. Persons under 14 may not work.There are a few exceptions to this such as working as news carriers, on farms, and in entertainment (with a special permit). 16-year-old children cannot work more than 10 hours consecutive or more than 10 hours in a 24 hours period. 16 and 17 year olds that are enrolled in school may not work more than 6 consecutive days or 30 hours per week during the school calendar week. 16 and 17: Can work up to 8 hours on school days, 9 hours on nonschool days, and 30 hours per school week. A youth 18 years or older may perform any job, whether hazardous or not. A youth 16 or 17 years old may perform any non-hazardous job. Minors (ages 14 to 17) need a work permit to work in Massachusetts. MINORS AGES 16, 17 and Older.