Most employees must be paid one and onehalf times their regular hourly rate for all hours worked in excess of 40 hours in a given work week. Overtime law in Massachusetts is designed to ensure that workers receive fair compensation for the extra hours they work beyond the standard 40-hour workweek.You have a right to overtime pay anytime you work more than 40 hours in 1 week. Overtime is one and one half times your regular hourly rate. Massachusetts labor laws only count weekly overtime rates – if a worker works more than 8 hours in a single workday, these hours do not count as overtime. Generally, employees who work more than 40 hours in any week must be paid overtime. Under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), eligible full and part-time employees must receive overtime pay for work that exceeds 40 hours. Most employees working over 40 hours a week must be paid overtime. Overtime pay is 1 ½ times an employee's regular rate of pay. Employees that are entitled to overtime must be paid for all hours worked and time-and-a-half for all hours worked over forty in a workweek.