Miami-Dade Regulations, Federal Laws, Florida Fair Employment Laws, Workplace Violence, Accommodation for Employees with Disabilities, Reasonable Accommodation. Employers must still comply with federal wage laws and regulations.IT IS ILLEGAL IN MIAMI-DADE COUNTY FOR ANY BUSINESS. Department employees are prohibited from obtaining outside employment with business entities operating at Miami International Airport, or any of the General. Personnel Administration is an online application system for applying for employment and promotional opportunities. This Business Code of Ethics ("Code") shall govern the conduct of all contractors, lobbyists, and consultants who are under contract. • We will conduct business with government agencies and employees in a manner which avoids even the appearance of impropriety. Employee's mother-in-law or father-in-law. We are committed to ensure that high performance standards are promoted, monitored and maintained for all. Miami-Dade County Lake Belt Fees, Severance Taxes.