Write your account and phone number on your check and mail your payment to Miami-Dade Office of the Tax Collector, 200 NW 2nd Avenue, Miami, FL 33128. Nonfulltime, job basis employees will be treated as hourly employees and are eligible for overtime if they work 40 hours in the workweek.Write your complete sales and use tax certificate number on the check or money order. Do not send cash in the mail or pay with cash at a local service center. You are entitled for payment if you are selected to serve for jury duty. Mandatory deductions, such as taxes (Federal, Social Security and Medicare),. FRS and any garnishment deductions are taken at the time of payment. Every business needs to obtain a Business Tax Receipt to operate in the City (also known as an Occupational License). Use our free hourly paycheck calculator to quickly run payroll for your hourly employees in Florida. Explore FL 2023 State Tax Rates.