Learn about Miami-Dade County policies for different types of harassment, workplace violence and reasonable accommodations for employees with disabilities. Permission for outside employment must be requested and granted on an annual basis, even in cases where the type of outside employment has not changed.This state-specific guide covers labor and employment case law, statutes, rules, and regulations that HR professionals and clients often encounter Miami-Dade County at a Glance. Employers conducting work in the State of Florida are required to provide workers' compensation insurance for their employees. All Part-Time (hourly), and employees working Overtime must personally sign-in and sign-out using blue or black ink only (no pencil). Florida law prohibits any employer from firing an employee who is serving on jury duty. Prohibited Occupations There are both state and federal laws prohibiting minors from employment in certain occupations. For further information, Miami-Dade County and Public Health Trust employees may contact the. Hire, examine, classify, promote, train, transfer and assign employees; j.