If you're planning to hire employees who live and work in Michigan, your employee handbook needs to comply with federal and Michigan state employment laws. A Michigan-specific handbook that outlines the policies and rights that employees are entitled to under state law.In Michigan it is advised that an employer state that they are atwill in a handbook and also in the offer letter if one is provided. There are no requirements for breaks, meal or rest periods for employees 18 years of age or older. A: Everyone is required to fill out Form I-9 when they take a job. An Employee Handbook should be tailored to the individual needs of the employer and the employer's management style. The council takes compliance with all applicable wage and hour laws seriously. Meanwhile, overtime laws ensure that workers are compensated for working more than 40 hours in a workweek. HR has the right to verify the qualifications of employees and to determine the requirements for their hire, termination, transfer, or assignment.