If you're planning to hire employees who live and work in Michigan, your employee handbook needs to comply with federal and Michigan state employment laws. A comprehensive employee handbook can be a highly effective way to inform your employees about key employee rights and company policies.Refrain from using the term "permanent employee. " Remember that Michigan is an employment-at-will state, unless a written Employment Contract is entered into. Employee handbooks include a myriad of important legal compliance statements. Section 1 of the handbook sets out the main policies and procedures that you will need to know while working at the FCA. Under the "at-will-employment rule", an employee was free to terminate his or her employment relationship at any time for any reason. A Checklist of items to consider when reviewing employee handbooks or manuals for private, nonunionized employers in Michigan. Civil Service Regulation 4.08 provides additional information about working out of class assignments. Federal and state laws require you to be paid for all the hours you work.