Our latest handbook is broken into three core volumes: Hiring and Firing, Compensation and Benefits, and Employer and Employee Protection. Some laws may not apply to all employees of a state agency.An electronic version of this poster is available on the OSE intranet. Specifically, no person will be denied employment, reemployment, promotion or other benefit of employment on the basis of such membership. Discover your rights and your employer's duties under Michigan Labor Law with this comprehensive guide. The purpose of this chapter is to explain when an employing unit becomes liable under the. We write and update the Michigan Employment Law Handbook for the Michigan Chamber of Commerce. I also understand that the purpose of this Handbook is to inform me of the SWMPC's policies and procedures, and that it is not a contract of employment. The manager is not obligated to allow makeup time. Due to the laws governing overtime work, the time must be made up during the same workweek.