You should apply for your work permit before you travel to Canada. However, you can apply for a work permit when you enter Canada if you're eligible.Canadian provinces have their own jurisdictions over employment laws that govern almost all of the employees and employers in the area. A manual for legal experts to help interpret the Employment Standards Act, 2000, the Employment Protection for Foreign Nationals Act and their regulations. Under immigration law, an employer is liable for the reasonable costs of return transportation abroad for a foreign national employee in the. In order to limit their employment law obligations, cross-border employers need to understand the laws governing their employees who perform work in Ontario. Read this guide to learn everything you need to know about navigating Canadian labor laws and reducing compliance risks along the way. Technically speaking, the US employer needs to prove that "the company COULD NOT FIND AN AMERICAN to fill the position" only if he wants to sponsor a Canadian. The repeal will make nonunionized employees unable to resign union membership and avoid paying union dues. You must complete Form I9 each time you hire any person to perform labor or services in the United States in return for wages or other remuneration.