Want to understand right-to-work laws better? Learn everything you need to know about 2024 right-to-work states in our guide.By passing the Workers' Rights Amendment, Illinois became the fourth state in the country to protect collective bargaining in its constitution. MRA's core states are split: Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, and Wisconsin have "righttowork" laws; Illinois, Minnesota, and Ohio do not. The righttowork law in Michigan is obsolete. Not all states have "right to work" laws. Learn what these laws mean, how they impact unions, and whether your state has a 'right to work' law at FindLaw. This is a summary of laws that satisfies Illinois Department of Labor posting requirements. Contract workers in Illinois must work for 90 days before the equal pay law applies. The. Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 (OSH Act) was passed to prevent workers from being killed or otherwise harmed at work.