If you would like to submit an application, please visit our Careers page and complete the electronic Employment Application. Contact the experienced Middlesex employment lawyers at Poulos LoPiccolo PC for immediate help with any workplace situation.Wage and Hour Compliance. Covering more than 200 workplace law topics, this Essential Guide provides an overview of US workplace laws, regulations, and court decisions. Employers and HR professionals can use this guide to better understand the labor laws covering New York businesses and to better manage compliance. Our Employment litigation defense practice represents employers in all aspects of employment law and litigation in Middlesex County, NJ. Advised employees on a wide range of HR policies, practices as well as benefits and payroll issues. This new employment law requires employers to disclose compensation in all job advertisements and upon employee request. You will gain an understanding of the major components of the state labor code in your chosen state upon completing this HR and payroll course bundle. The HR LAW CERTIFICATE PROGRAM stands second to none in quality, credibility, expertise and price.