This handbook is based on current UI legislation; statements are intended for general information and do not have the effect of law. Minnesota employment law mandates employers to provide eligible employees with specific employee benefits and accommodations.This page provides one-stop access to laws, rules, policies and procedures related to current statewide human resources operations. Fact sheet covers wages, benefits, personnel files, independent contractors, working conditions, discrimination, and whistleblowers. The two-volume reference covers the entire employment relationship from hiring through termination or retirement and includes both Minnesota and federal law. When you plan to hire employees in Minnesota, your Minnesota employee handbook needs to comply with the following federal and MN employment laws "An Employer's Guide to Employment Law Issues in Minnesota. Minnesota law requires employers who use employee handbooks to include in the handbook a notice of employees' rights under this statute. Minnesota law generally doesn't require employers to provide employees with fringe benefits in addition to wages. Labor and Employment Law Overview: Minnesota.