Minnesota is an at-will employment state, meaning that employment for an indefinite term is presumed to be at-will. An employer may not make wage deductions without the employee's written agreement except in limited circumstances. (Minn. Stat.This fact sheet explains how to classify your workers and covers the differences between workers and independent contractors. Employment at-will is well established under Minnesota case law: The usual employer-employee relationship is terminable at the will of either. Minnesota has long required that an employer provide written notice of basic terms of employment to newly hired employees. Shadow covenants are contracts between two entities "above the employee," restricting the employee's employment without their knowledge. The worker cannot quit a job or terminate a contract with an employer without incurring a penalty. Misclassification in the Construction. Industry. Minnesota is essentially an "at-will" employment state, which means an employer can fire their employee for any legal reason. Governor Tim Walz has signed into law significant changes to Minnesota's independent contractor and employment laws.