According to the Illinois Public Labor Relations Act, public employees have the right to form or join labor unions or refrain from doing so. Not all states have "right to work" laws.Learn what these laws mean, how they impact unions, and whether your state has a 'right to work' law at FindLaw. A "right to work" law is a state law that stops employers and employees from negotiating an agreement – also known as a union security clause. Both states have recently passed new labor laws on paid and sick leave that are effective January 1, 2024. As of April 2019, Illinois is not a righttowork state. The Illinois Legislature has been busy this 2024 session, passing more than 10 new employment laws or amendments to existing employment laws in May 2024. She specializes in employment law, labor standards, the informal economy, and community economic development. An employee is eligible for sick and safe time if they: • are anticipated to work at least 80 hours in a year for an employer in Minnesota; and. This publication provides a general overview of worker rights under the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSH Act).